September 12, 2024 – Transgas participates in the RecruitMilitary Boston Veterans Job Fair at Patriot Place in Foxborough, Massachusetts.

May 19, 2024 – Team Transgas participates in The Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk for CancerCare raising $7,000! Congratulation Team Transgas!

May 21, 2023 – Team Transgas participates in The Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk for CancerCare raising $5,500! Congratulation Team Transgas!

May 18, 2022 – Team Transgas participates in The Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk for CancerCare raising $7,225! Congratulation Team Transgas!

June 18, 2019 – Congratulations to Transgas on over $50,000 raised for TeamWalk for CancerCare!

May 21, 2017 – Team Transgas participates in The Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk for CancerCare raising over $8,000! Congratulation Team Transgas!
December 2016 – The 2016 Merrimack Valley Food Drive was the most successful to date with 807 lbs of food donated bringing the 3 year total to 1,944 lbs. Congratulations to all for this great team effort!
November 2016 – The 2016 Merrimack Valley Food Drive is off to a great start! Transgas employees hope to surpass the 577 lbs. of food donated last year.
May 22, 2016 – Team Transgas participates in The Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk for CancerCare
December 2015 – Transgas employees participate in the 2015 Food Drive
May 31, 2015 – Team Transgas participates in The Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk for CancerCare
December 24, 2014 – Transgas employees participate in the 2014 Food Drive
Thank You for Your Generosity
I would like to personally thank all of the Transgas employees who contributed to the 2014 Food Drive to benefit the Merrimack Valley Food Bank.
The Merrimack Valley Food Bank is a community-supported 501C-3 non-profit organization that provides nutritious food and personal care items to emergency feeding programs serving the low-income, homeless and hungry. They are one of four food banks in Massachusetts that serves food pantries, shelters and meal programs that in turn, serve individuals and families.
As you know, we collected food last year around Christmas and were fortunate to be able to donate 137 lbs. of canned food and dry goods. This year, current and retired employees delivered 469 lbs. of food in time for the holidays. Great job!
Your generosity is the finest example of community stewardship and represents the kind of caring that we can all be proud of.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
John Flint
May 18, 2014 – Team Transgas participates in The Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk for CancerCare
The Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk for CancerCare on May 18th was incredible. Over 5,000 walkers “descended upon” the Tsongas Center at 8am on a beautiful Sunday morning, including nearly 60 employees, friends and relatives from Transgas. Nearly everyone there was wearing their own custom team T-shirt. The enthusiasm and cheerleading from volunteers, high school bands and city and hospital officials inspired walkers all along the route. If that wasn’t enough, the Tsongas Center was ringed with long clotheslines of colorful T-shirts representing each team and individuals they know who battled and/or beat cancer.
Our team, decked out in our “Transgas blue” T-shirts that were imprinted with the names of some of the people we were walking for, congregated for pictures and set out as groups in both the 3-mile and 6-mile walks.
We exceeded our team fundraising goal and have collected over $7,800 to date, which puts us in the top five earning teams and second among all of the businesses that participated. It also secured us a prominent place on the website’s home page. Overall, TeamWalk has raised more than $850,000 this year and more than $7 million since 2001 to help over 20,000 patients. However, the best result was the camaraderie and sense of community that we built among our employees. They are already talking about how to make next year better and how to get more employees involved. While our employees have volunteered as individuals in the past, they now sense the power of stewardship and team.
June 26, 2013 – Transgas attended the Competitive Energy Services
and Juniper Networks 2013 Energy Summit in Westford, MA
This event was a great success, it was very informative and a pleasure to be part of. Different types of companies attended representing their businesses while learning about current and future plans for energy, gas, oil , and much more. The summit was pleased to have Jon Sorenso, Mark Sylvia, David Chamberlain, and Steven Driver as guest speakers this year. Jon Sorenson, the president and COO of Competitive Energy Services discussed the pros and cons of the energy market, and what influences the change in prices in the energy market. Mark Sylvia, the Commissioner of Massachusetts for the Department of Energy Resources (DOER), discussed the strategies and programs DOER has, and about future goals he sees for DOER strategies. David Chamberlain the Principal Energy Engineer, operations infrastructure, and Energy Management of Raytheon, discussed Raytheon’s step by step structure and approach for their energy program. Steven Driver, the Energy Demand Manager of Global Engineering, presented three case studies of their own past projects looking at sustainable, commission concepts, energy, and carbon reduction. Attendees had the opportunity to speak to energy experts at CES and learn about the latest energy products, energy efficiency strategies, the regulatory environment, green options and more.
May 30, 2013 – GDF SUEZ Gas NA Starts Fueling Transgas Tractors
GDF SUEZ Gas NA is fueling Transgas’ tractors at its Everett LNG fueling station located adjacent to the company’s Distrigas LNG Import Terminal just north of Boston. This fueling station is the first of its kind in Massachusetts; Transgas is among the first fleet owners to fuel at the facility.
“For more than 40 years, we have been supplying LNG to New England customers by way of tanker truck,” said Frank Katulak, President and Chief Operating Officer of Distrigas and Senior Vice President of GDF SUEZ Gas NA. “Today, we are very pleased to be able to offer LNG fuel for these same tanker trucks, enabling Transgas to join other fleet owners in benefiting from the considerably lower fuel costs and emissions associated with LNG fuel.”
“Transgas has been delivering LNG safely for more than four decades. We can now lead by example in the alternative transportation fuel arena by delivering this product with the same safe, environmentally-sound product we have hauled over the years,” said Timothy Mehan, Vice President, Operations, Transgas Inc. “We are pleased to have teamed up with GDF SUEZ Gas NA to fuel our new LNG tractors. We are working side by side to deliver safe, environmentally-friendly solutions that economically benefit the customers we serve.”
GDF SUEZ Gas NA is a subsidiary of GDF SUEZ Energy North America, which manages a range of energy businesses in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. These businesses include electricity generation and cogeneration, natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) distribution and sales, asset-based trading and origination, and retail energy sales and related services to commercial and industrial customers. GDF SUEZ Gas NA owns and operates an LNG receiving terminal in Everett, Mass., which began operations in 1971 and currently serves most of the natural gas utilities in New England and key power producers through both pipeline deliveries of re-vaporized LNG and an average of 10,000 tanker truck deliveries of LNG liquid each year.
To learn more, please visit and
Carol Churchill, 617-886-8759
Julie Vitek, 713-636-1962
May 21-24, 2013 – Transgas Attends The American Gas Association Conference
The AGA represents 201 energy companies that deliver clean natural gas throughout the United States. In May 21-24, American Gas Association had its annual conference gathering of natural gas utility and transmission company operations management in Gaylord Palms, Orlando, FL. The event is to advertise and inform about the safe, cost effective delivery of Natural gas to end users.
April 29, 2013 – UMass Amherst Saves Money by Switching from Diesel To Liquefied Natural Gas
“The University of Massachusetts Amherst (“UMA”) is on track to save $330,000 against its 2013 budget by working with energy consultant Competitive Energy Services (“CES”) to replace ultra-low sulfur diesel (“ULSD”) with liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) at its Central Heating Plant. At CES’s recommendation, UMA commissioned a temporary two-year LNG facility on-site and in its first year, UMA was able to replace one million gallons of ULSD with cleaner, more affordable LNG. The facility has allowed UMass to reduce its FY2013 budget by $330,000, including the capital costs of the project.
Shortly after being contracted as the energy advisor to the University of Massachusetts System in early 2012, CES advised campus leaders that UMA could achieve significant savings by replacing ULSD with liquefied natural gas. The University’s gas utility does not have the capacity to serve all of its demand, and UMA previously relied on ULSD for up to 10% of its fuel needs. CES worked closely with UMA Facilities staff as well as project engineers from Fitzemeyer & Tocci, Woodard & Curran and Fire Pro, throughout the facility design, permitting and construction process. CES also helped UMA conduct a robust competitive bid for both LNG supply, awarded to Suez Distrigas, and LNG facility operation, awarded to Transgas. With the goal of having LNG on-site by mid-November, UMA opted for a temporary two-year facility in order to minimize construction and permitting time. On December 8, 2012, UMA received its first delivery of LNG. “This recommendation has already delivered remarkable results for us as we manage our energy budget,” said Ray Jackson, Director Physical Plant-Interim of UMA. “We were frustrated with the high costs of ULSD, and CES was able to help us develop a solution.”
In addition to being more affordable, the LNG facility will provide UMA with additional reliability while reducing air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. Previously, during times of natural gas shortages in the pipeline, the Central Heating Plant would have to shut down equipment that runs solely on natural gas. Now, the LNG allows more equipment to keep running and boiler operation is smoother, reducing the frequency of maintenance and reducing air pollutant emissions. The facility has reduced carbon emissions by 3,000 metric tons in its first year. CES provides ongoing assistance to UMA in the operation of the facility, specifically the scheduling of deliveries taking into account market prices for LNG and ULSD and the availability of pipeline natural gas.
According to Jon Sorenson, President and COO of CES, “This is exactly the kind of creative solution that facilities of all sizes need to pursue as they develop their energy strategies. Our team is thrilled to have been able to work with the talented staff at the UMA to put together this plan.” Because the capital costs of the facility were recouped in Year 1, UMA will see even greater savings during the second year. With the lessons learned from the temporary facility, UMA is considering developing it into a permanent system.”
Media Contact: Kristan Gibson
(207) 772-6190 –
April 16-19, 2013 – Transgas Goes To The LNG 17 Conference And Exhibition
LNG 17 is one of the biggest events for the LNG industry. The 17th international conference and exhibition took place on April 16-19, in Houston, Texas. This event brings all the LNG supply chains together to discuss about the future of LNG. The event has proved that LNG is the growing demand for energy for many industries.
January 21-23, 2013 – Transgas Flies to Houston, Texas For The World LNG Fuels Conference
World LNG Fuels had its second annual conference in January in Houston, Texas. The conference was very informative to LNG industry attendees where they were able to discuss marketing opportunities and challenges. The event had speakers from across the supply chain ports, terminals, gas suppliers, ship owners and regulators to understand the current and future of LNG market.
September 26-28, 2012 – Transgas Attends The High Horse Power Summit
In September 2012, Transgas visited the High Horse Power Summit in Chicago. The conference presented a clear view behind natural gas for high horse power off road applications. During the three day conference, we had the opportunity to have a look at heavy duty natural gas powered vehicles and equipment, and be part of the pre-conference LNG fundamental training sessions. We left HHP Summit with many new business connections and a lot of new ideas for upcoming projects.